About This Location
This location provides registration services for 5 Star Car Title Loans customers. The store is located at 124 E. 30th St. Suite E, near the intersection with E 30th St. If you live in National City and in need of registration services, stop by this location that works with 5 Star Car Title Loans in National City. This store provides our clients with unmatched customer service. 5 Star Car Title Loans does not issue loans at this location.

5 Star Car Title Loans in National City
Anyone living in National City who needs a quick loan to help get through a tough time can consider California title loans. Using only the value of a car that you own, you might be able to get $2,600 or more from 5 Star Car Title Loans in National City.
Am I Allowed to Apply for Title Loans in California if I’m Financing My Car?
Sure, you can go ahead and apply for car title loans online even if you aren’t quite finished with your car payments. We will evaluate your situation to determine if we can prepare a fast loan for you that will not only pay off your auto but, leave you with spare money to use as you please. Send in your request today to 5 Star Car Title Loans in National City so we can suggest ways that we can help you.
What Can I Do About My Registration That Is Past Due?
There are a few steps to take to get your registration in order so we can complete your request for title loans in California. We have helped many customers who are in the same situation, so we know exactly what you need to do and will help you. We might even be able to do it for you, so contact on of our agents today at 5 Star Car Title Loans in National City for all the details.
When Will I Need to Send in My First Title Loan Payment?
Once you have signed your agreement for auto title loans, you don’t have to send in your first payment until 30 days later. From then on, you’ll be expected to make a payment every month.
Can You Accept Titles that Are Salvaged?
Sometimes we are able to accept salvaged titles to use as security for bad credit loans. Our agents at 5 Star Car Title Loans in National City are trained to handle your specific questions, so be in touch with us today. We’re here to help you!
Will I Go to the DMV for the Necessary Paperwork?
Most likely, you will not have to go to the DMV, as we can usually take care of such matters on our own. Go ahead and send us your online application so we can begin to process your request for car title loans near you.