This is a great question. Sometimes customers need large sums of cash so they ask whether they can have two title loans at once. Since your vehicle is a collateral on any loan you take, you cannot take out two car title loans on the same vehicle simultaneously.
While we don’t recommend it, some lenders allow for a family with multiple vehicles to get two different title loans, one for each car. Each loan will be obtained using the collateral value of each of the vehicles separately.
At 5 Star Car Title Loans we work with our customers to make sure you get the amount of money you need with as much peace of mind as possible. We suggest only taking out one car title loan at a time to avoid complications and large repayments.
Button line: But if you are still wondering how many title loans you can have, remember the rule of thumb is you can have as many loans as the amount of clear and free titles you have.
For more information visit our blog page on the topic.