Once you’ve paid off your title loan, getting the title back is easy and with 5 Star Car Title Loans it usually doesn’t require you to do anything!
For the duration of your loan, the title remains with the lender as they are the legal owner of the vehicle. When you pay off the loan, you will receive your title back and the lienholder will be released.
Each state has its own rules regarding vehicle titles so make sure to regard only what is relevant to your state.
Some states (like California) process vehicle titles electronically (ELT). In these states, the lender simply notifies the DMV when the loan is fully paid off and the title gets automatically sent to the registered owner on the title (the borrower).
In other states that do not work with ELT systems, the borrower may be required to go to their local motor vehicle office and get a new title with the lienholder removed.
For more information on the payoff process and how to get your title visit our comprehensive guide on how title loans work here.