Title Loans in Chesapeake
Quick Cash Loans Can Be Yours Today!
What happens when your bank account is empty but you still have bills to pay? Some bills and expenses cannot be put off till later. If you don’t get your credit card bills paid on time, for instance, you can be hit with late fees and penalties that put you in a more difficult financial situation.
Everyone runs into a money mess once in a while. There’s no getting around it when prices keep rising each time you go to the store. How can you even know how much money you’ll need from one month to the next?
Even when times are tough, there are expenses that need to be paid and that’s not even considering what to do when an emergency comes up. If someone in your family becomes sick and you need to take off work to be with them, you can usually expect a smaller salary when payday rolls around.
The good thing to know is if you own a car or other vehicle, you can apply online for a car title loan. title loans in Chesapeake can provide you with quick emergency cash to use for whatever you need.
How Auto Title Loans Can Help With Emergencies
If you own a car that has been paid off, then the title will be in your name. Take a look at your vehicle’s title and check that your name is there. This proves that the car or other vehicle belongs only to you.
You can use the title as security for a fast car title loan. By turning in your vehicle’s title, you do not need to give up your car. The title is enough to get you an auto title loan, which is a secured loan.
Secured loans are less risk to the lender, so they are easier for you to be approved. In fact, when you send in an online title loan application, you can find out if you are pre-approved within minutes!
Applying for Online Title Loans
The fastest and easiest way to get quick cash is to begin the title loan process online. If you don’t feel comfortable with online forms, you can also call our customer service team or drop into one of our convenient locations.
There are no time restrictions with online applications. Any time 24/7 is fine. When you’re ready to begin your request, take the following steps:
- Open the 5 Star Car Title Loans website. It doesn’t matter if you use your laptop, a smartphone or a tablet to locate the online application form.
- Fill in the short form, with special attention on the questions regarding the vehicle that you own. According to your car’s details, you might get instant pre-approval.
- With pre-approval, you will get instructions to continue to the final approval stage.
Getting Chesapeake Title Loans to Pay Bills
One of the features about title loans in Chesapeake that consumers are the most surprised by is that there are no restrictions to using the cash. Compared to the old fashioned, more traditional bank loans they are used to, this is a huge benefit.
Bank loans are unsecured loans, making them much more complicated to apply for and to get approval for. Personal loans from other financial institutions also come with a lot of rules and restrictions.
Those rules don’t apply to car title loans, which are secured loans. You are securing your title loan with the value of your own car. With that value as collateral for the loan, the lender does not feel at risk. So long as you make all of your monthly payments according to your title loan contract, it’s a win-win for both you and the lender.
So what to do with the loan amount? Whatever you want! In many cases, paying off old bills will help you keep your head above water going forward. For some consumers, there are unexpected expenses that they need the urgent cash for. It’s all your choice when you get a personal loan that is secured by a vehicle title.
Basic Documents to Submit
As you would expect, there are a few basic documents that will be required to move on to your final approval. If you chose to apply online, you can also submit your documents digitally, without going into a local 5 Star Car Title Loans office.
Pay close attention to these documents, because they will be used to finalize your request for title loan approval and to determine the loan amount. With a qualifying vehicle title, the customer service team will be able to process your loan request quickly.
Qualified borrowers with good car value can get a quick loan approval and get their loan proceeds paid quickly. Move on with your basic documents now.
- Car title – this is important because it’s what you will send to the lender as security for your car title loan. To prove ownership of your vehicle, only your name can be on the vehicle’s title. If the vehicle is not registered in Virginia or the name isn’t correct, get it fixed at the DMV.
- Monthly income – When your monthly payments are set up in the loan agreement, it’s important that your income is adequate to cover them. For proof of how much money goes into your account each month, send recent bank statements. Send whatever proof you have from other types of income, such as documents or paycheck stubs from your job.
- Address in Chesapeake, VA – Wherever you live in Virginia, show us some form of proof. A utility bill in your name is usually the most easy to find. Otherwise, a credit card statement or some other mail can be sent in.
- Details of your bank account – To get a direct deposit of the car loan proceeds, give us your account number and bank details.
- Official ID – Submit a photo ID from the government, i.e. a driver’s license or state ID.
Online Title Loans with Bad Credit in Chesapeake, VA
If you’re worried about a bad credit score, you don’t need to be! If we’re not worried about a poor credit history, then why should you be? Even with bad credit, you are welcome to send in your online application form.
One of the perks of applying for title loans in Chesapeake is that anyone with any credit background might be approved. If you have a bad credit history and a low credit score but you own a qualifying vehicle, you can apply for your auto title loan today!
You don’t have to have a good credit score to be pre-approved for online title loans. Begin the basic steps to apply for your instant funds today.
Getting Final Title Loan Approval
At the end of the loan process, you want to know how much you can get and how fast you can get it, right? We do our best to verify your documents quickly, so you can get your fast cash.
This part of the loan process takes into consideration 3 different details, as listed below:
- The value of your vehicle – To be approved for a car title loan, your car’s value is important. Make sure that you have a qualifying vehicle title and that we have all the important details of your vehicle. Send us the type of vehicle (motorcycle, car, truck, etc) along with the model, the year, the style, the basic condition and the odometer reading. This is the information we’ll use to find out the value.
- Your ability to pay – Depending on the amount of the monthly loan payments, your income will need to be high enough. We will use the documents listed above to verify how much money you earn each month. This will also affect the loan amount.
- At 5 Star Car Title Loans, we have a very basic set of credit criteria. We will confirm that your details meet our criteria.
The more information you can send us, the easier it will be to confirm your details and that of your vehicle. When every detail is confirmed and you receive final car title loan approval, you can expect funds to be paid quickly.
Simple Title Loan Process for Fast Cash
From the beginning of the title loan process through to the end, it can be very quick. Our suggestion is to prepare your documents and bank statements at the beginning of the process so that you can get through to the end quickly.
When you get a final loan contract to sign, it will include all fees. There are no hidden feels with Chesapeake title loans. Remember that you are not obligated to sign unless you want to! The agreement you sign will include the final loan amount as well as a clear schedule of monthly payments.
Get started now to get your auto title loan quickly!